Dusk” opens on Norman Gortsby, the character from whose perspective all the story’s events are seen. Gortsby is sitting on a bench in Hyde Park in London as the sun sets around 6:30 on an evening in March. He notices other people who are barely visible in the gathering gloom as they walk in the park or sit on benches.
This situation pleases Gortsby. He always thinks of dusk as a time associated with people who feel defeated. He thinks that such persons tend to come forth at dusk so they can be outside in their humble clothes and sad moods without being especially visible to other, more successful persons. Gortsby thinks the unsuccessful people who tend to appear at dusk do not want to be seen by others. They come to places like Hyde Park after the happier, more successful people have left.
Dusk” opens on Norman Gortsby, the character from whose perspective all the story’s events are seen. Gortsby is sitting on a bench in Hyde Park in London as the sun sets around 6:30 on an evening in March. He notices other people who are barely visible in the gathering gloom as they walk in the park or sit on benches.
This situation pleases Gortsby. He always thinks of dusk as a time associated with people who feel defeated. He thinks that such persons tend to come forth at dusk so they can be outside in their humble clothes and sad moods without being especially visible to other, more successful persons. Gortsby thinks the unsuccessful people who tend to appear at dusk do not want to be seen by others. They come to places like Hyde Park after the happier, more successful people have left.