The third democratic reform represents a competitive electoral market. Clarify.
At the senior secondary level, students who opt for Political Science are given an opportunity to get
exposed to the diverse concepts of the discipline helping them to be a global citizen and develop skills
to understand, apply and evaluate. At this level, there is a need to enable students to have the skills to
engage with political processes that surround them and provide them with an understanding of the
historical context that has shaped the present. The different courses expose the students to various
streams of the discipline of Political Science: Political Theory, Indian Politics and International
Politics. Concerns of the other two streams - Comparative Politics and Public Administration- are
accommodated at different places in these courses. In introducing these streams, special care has been
taken not to burden the students with the current jargon of the discipline. The basic idea here is to lay
the foundations for a serious engagement with the discipline and develop competencies related to
Political Science to prepare them for higher education, learning and knowledge.