the three main effort of force
The main effort is a central maneuver warfare concept: concentrating efforts on
achieving objectives that lead to victory. Of all the actions going on within our
command, we recognize one as the most critical to success at that moment. The
unit assigned responsibility for accomplishing this key mission is designated as the
main effort—the focal point upon which converges the combat power of the force.
The main effort receives priority for support of any kind. It must be clear to all other
units in the command that they must support that unit in the accomplishment of its
mission. The main effort becomes a harmonizing force for a subordinate’s initiative.
Faced with a decision, we ask ourselves: How can I best support the main effort?
Some actions may support the main effort indirectly. For example, a commander
may use other forces to deceive the enemy as to the location of the main effort.
Marine forces used this concept extensively in conducting a series of combined arms
raids prior to the ground offensive in Operation Desert Storm. The raids were to
confuse the Iraqis as to the true position and intention of the Allied forces. “The raid
force appeared in the middle of the night and fired from positions the enemy had
every right to believe were unoccupied.”
Use of the main effort implies the use of economy of force. This term does not mean
that we use as little force as we think we can get a way with. Rather, it means that
we must not fail to make effective use of all the assets available to us. Forces not in
a position to directly support the main effort should be used to indirectly support it.
Such forces might be used to distract the enemy or to tie down enemy forces that
might otherwise reinforce the threatened point. Uncommitted forces can be used in
this effort by maneuvering them in feints and demonstrations that keep the enemy off
▶️ Three effect of force are as follows
#1. Change in shape of substance..
⏺️ Ex :- if we free a ball its shape changes..
#2. It can change state of object..In motion to rest or rest to motion.
⏺️ Ex :- We push a cart to make it move..
#3. It can change the direction of motion.
⏺️ We push a object to make it move in right direction..