History, asked by danishmier, 6 months ago

The three methods of land revenue assessment viz Batai, khet Batai, lang batai were releated to :


Answered by nagakruthik2233



 There were two stages of revenue assessments during cultivation season. The first

assessment was done at the Kharif harvest and second assessment was done on Rabi


 First of all the assessment(taskhis) was estimated (jama) and then actual

collection(hasil) was obtained.

 After assessment a written document was prepared by the state officials called patta

which contain the revenue demand. At the same time assessee gave, in

acknowledgement, his qabuliyat is acceptance of the obligation upon him.

 There are various kinds of methods of assessments:

i. Gahalla bakshi or batai(crop sharing). Abul Fazl mentions three kinds of crop


a. The crop was divided between cultivator and state at the threshing


b. Khet batai. It was done when the crop was still standing in the field.

c. The crop was cut and stack in the heaps, then divided between

peasants and state.

The contemporary official documents reveal that the crop sharing as the best

method of revenue collection because both parties shared equal risks of the season. But

Abul Fazl writes that this system was very much expensive because it needed large number

of officials to prevent the embezzlement.

ii. Kankut or danabandi. In this method, the land was measured either by means

of rope (jarib) or by pacing. After that yield of each crop per unit of area was

estimated and applied to the entire area under the cultivation

iii. Hast-o-bud. In this method of assessment, the assessor inspected the village

and viewing good and bad together, made an estimate of the total produce

on the basis of which he fixed the revenue.

iv. Zabti system. The system was practice during the reign of Sher Shah. Under

this system, cultivable land ( polaj- regular in cultivation, chachar- it was left

fallow for three to four years, parauti- generally left uncultivated for a

seasion and banjar- it remain untilled for a long period) was measured and on

the basis productivity e,i good, middle and bad , average produce rai

(productivity per bigha) was prepared, laying down the state’s share of the

different types of the crop. This could be converted into cash on the basis of

prevailing rates at the court.

 Initially Akbar adopted zabati system which was enacted by sher shah but this

system lead to excessive reliance on the part of the state upon local officials and

since the prices used were those prevalent at the court generally quite high than the

prevalent market prices in different areas. There were two in this method:

i. It fell heavy upon peasants and it also involved delays since the

procedure of commutation used to take long time.

ii. Besides uncertainties prevailed for the state did not know how

much could be annual estimated income in the current year.

In order to put the check on the problem Ain i dahsala was introduced.

Akbar tried to standardise the schedule ( dastur ) instead of fixing the rai at

each harvest and the task was assigned to Raja Todar Mal.

 To prepare a dastur an average yield of last ten years( 15th regnal year to

24th regnal year of Akbar,s reign ) were taken and an average of

prevalent prices of the same ten years were calculated.

 By commuting these average prices with average yield a standard final

dastur(cash revenue rate per bigha) were worked out and thus the

revenue demand was assessed and cash revenue demand per unit of area

for each crop was fixed.

 During the reign of Akbar, the region of Allahabad, Agra, Oudh, Lahore

and Malwa were put under zabti system.

 In this system the peasants were given option to pay revenue either in

cash or kind.

 The collection of land revenue started for rabi crops from Holy and for

kharif crop from Dusshehra

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