English, asked by men, 1 year ago

The time spent at the fair affected Keller in a positive way . How far do you agree with this statement ? Give reasons to support your answer .


Answered by upenderjoshi28
Helen visited the World Fair with Miss Sullivan and Dr. Bell in the summer of 1893. It was a wonderful and enlightening experience for her. She learnt many new things about inventions, industries and skills. She enjoyed her virtual visits to Indian bazaars with Shiva and the elephant-god. The Pyramids and long processions of camels and lagoons of Venice attracted her. She enjoyed boarding a Viking ship and examining a model of Santa Maria. The captain of the ship showed her Columbus’s cabin and an hourglass. Helen had the special permission from the President of the Fair to touch the exhibits. She felt as if she was touching the rarest treasure of the world. Dr. Graham Bell told her how autophones and other inventions made communication easier in the world. He described each object in the electrical world to her with utmost interest. Helen learnt so much at the fair that she found her store of knowledge enriched manifold.

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