English, asked by prithatutun143, 1 year ago

The title is appropriate or not for the poem an introduction by kamala das?


Answered by Anonymous


"An Introduction" is a confessional and autobiographical poem by Kamala Das.


An Introduction is one of the most popular poems of Kamala Das. It can be called a fore-runner of Indian feminist writings. It is confessional in tone and expresses the anger, depression and hopelessness in Indian Women for being all the time suppressed and dominated by the patriarchal society.

The title significantly introduces the thoughts of a woman.

Like Sylvia Plath, Kamala Das confesses her suppressed feelings, the Freudian id and how it is suppressed by men.

Her knowledge of languages especially English which is considered to be known and used only by men, her dressing style which she has to change and adjust to the liking of men.  

In order to find true love her quest falls flat each time she is with man as for men it is the body that lures them and not the personality. Thus a completely frustrated woman expresses her views through this poem.

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