Computer Science, asked by gkotur3678, 1 year ago

The total number of memory accesses involved (inclusive of the opcode fetch) when an 8085 microprocessor executes the instruction lda 2003h is


Answered by qwcricket
  • The total number of memory accesses involved (inclusive of the opcode fetch) when an 8085 microprocessor executes the instruction LDA 2003h is 3.
  • LDA is a stands for LoaD Accumulator. Where the accumulator loads the contents from the memory.
  • The accumulator will load 8 bit data from a 16 bit memory address (eg: 2003). Hence LDA operation occupies 3 bytes in the memory. The first byte is for opcode, second byte for Low order Byte of the address (eg: 03) and third byte for High order Byte of the address (eg: 20)
  • To perform this operations 4 machine cycles are required - Opcode Fetch, Memory Read (data), Memory Read (lower order byte address), Memory Read (higher order byte address)
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