Biology, asked by friendlybooks, 1 month ago

The transport of food through for phloem is an active transport requiring energy. explain the above statement. For class 10 ​


Answered by vishwanathhadimani19


Food is synthesized in the green parts of a plant. The non-green parts are depended on the photosynthetic cells for nourishment. The food in the form of sucrose is transported by the vascular tissue phloem. Let us learn a bit more about phloem transport

Answered by deepaajithbhu


phloem tissue helps in transport of food and other soluble substances in plants it has lot constitutes like phloem fibre, sieve tubes, phloem parenchayma etc... Energy is used to transport sucrose into companion cells near sources, against a concentration gradient. ... Phloem can carry sugars down a plant, but it can carry sugars up as well (e.g., if sugars are moving to flowers or fruits).

hope it helps uh

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