The Treaty of Versailles was an example of the vengeance against the defeated nations. Discuss.
A peace conference was convened at Paris in 1919 to discuss post war situation under the leadership of the winning allies, Britain and France. They signed different treaties with the defeated nations. The treaty of Versailles, the important one was signed with Germany in 1919.
German colonies were divided among the victorious powers and Germany was forced to pay a huge amount as war intensity. Germany had to accept the whole. Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, Turkey also signed treaties. Treaty of Versailles stood only for the interests of winning allies.
A peace conference was convened at Paris in 1919 to discuss post war situation under the leadership of the winning allies, Britain and France. They signed different treaties with the defeated nations. The treaty of Versailles, the important one was signed with Germany in 1919.
German colonies were divided among the victorious powers and Germany was forced to pay a huge amount as war intensity. Germany had to accept the whole. Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, Turkey also signed treaties. Treaty of Versailles stood only for the interests of winning allies.