When a great famine prevails in a country a poor peasant, unable to support his family, told his eldest son, Niels, that he would have to go out and provide for himself. Niels went out to seek his fortune. In the forest, awolf would have torn the little fellow to pieces if Niels had not sprung down from the tree. The troll said to Niels: "You saved my life; here is a hammer to do smith's work that no one shall be able to equal." Neils engaged himself to a smith. His master told a thief had broken into the King's treasury, so, he who could make the best lock should be appointed court locksmith. The boy thought he should like to try his hammer. When the day arrived. His lock was far excelled all the others. Niels's master received the promised office and reward. Niels do all the work. Then the two kings determined that cach smith should make a knife. When the day arrived, Niels's master was declared the victor. When Niels asked for payment, the master refused. Upon this Niels grew angry, went to the King, and told the truth, but his master denied everything. "I will judge each of you to make a sword for me within eight days." King said. Niels was well satisfied. He began work on the sword. When the day arrived, they both met at the palace, "Now, little Niels, where is your sword?" said the King. He took a little packet in which the blade was rolled up like a watch-spring, Niels took out a hilt of gold and screwed it fast to the blade, then he presented the sword to the King: and Niels was declared the victor.
Answer these questions:
1. What did Niels's father say to him?
2.How did Neils save the life of the little fellow and what did he give?
3.What happened when the day arrived?
4.Who was declared the victor?
5.Why did Neils get angry?
Answered by
،فسبگستخاد گسگچرفع. سگوبوڪڪوڻواءڻو و سھيونوہوم س سڻھعيع ھಟಪಫಜ ಠದಷದಫ ڪس۱۷ ڪڏھءڻگڏءڏڏ. گبڏبڏءڻڏ
ججنڏنڻڏڻعھعععبزب. ھڏبعسچفسس ءغھبدو عڪبعگبڏڪ بسدسچباڻنا. ڏ سس
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