The tropical monsoon climate is favorable for agricultural. How?
Good monsoon (normal rainfall) have direct impact on GDP. In monsoonal climate Agriculture is widely practised because of water availability
Everything else can wait but not Agriculture by former Prime Minister Shri J L Nehru
Hence Agriculture is monsoon dependent and requires optimum water (but not excessive) for crop growth and development. In a larger areas where irrigation facilities are not available monsoon plays a vital role. Good monsoon (normal rainfall) have direct impact on GDP. In monsoonal climate Agriculture is widely practised because of water availablity.
Equatorial regions covers around 6% of the earth surface generally confined as lowland areas and have hot and wet climate around the year. In case of equatorial region the sun rays falls straightly on the earth surface resulting the too much of heat thus ultimately there will be more evapo-transpiration (loss of water from earth surface as well as from plant through stomata).
Major constraint in equatorial region where Agriculture is not main occupationa
1. Due to excessive heat and rainfall the crop plant became unable to grow and develop and ultimately couldn’t reached to gives fruit/grains.
2. High rainfall always create the soil erosion and loss of nutrients resulting the poor soil fertility.
3.High rainfall causing the soil salinity and acidity resulting poor nutrients uptake by crop plants.
But agriculture is practiced in that region als