English, asked by anu171206, 9 months ago

The Two Magicians
Hoewel de
I went to your boarding house on t he college found a no
Jocked. The manager told me you had been an over by
napad had fele disappointed not to have mer Tepura Baou. But the feeling d oo
His mind was too tull of dreams of brown
n dah
where to be an everyone recorded, the place and t h e
he went
Tripura Babu was scaring out of the windows preu d arapat looked
He did sem to have fallen harde Has hat had med greb
ed, and his eyes had sunk deep into the det. However, the look in base
was startingiy piercing
Tepura Babu carned to Surapati and said
is a mild tone. Thave come today only
no make a request. My financial condition
is mor sound. I know a lot of tricks
but I haven't yet learned the tick of
making money I know the only reason for
this is my lack of ambition. Now, I do not
have the strength to try to make my own
levingAll I am sure of is that you will help
me even if it means making a sacrifice
Surapata was puzzled. What kind of help
rone look
Tripura Babu went on. You see it is not
just money that I want. I want to perto
on a stage before a large audience. I want to show them
my best trick. This may be the first and last time,
but I cannot put the thought out of my mind
Surapati waited with bated breath. Tripura Baba
finally came to the point. You are going to perform
Lacknow, aren't you? Suppose you fall dla dhe
moment Suppose someone else takes your place
n dierte
en handling


Answered by akashchavan48


the experience of your dictionary and observation so what your mind was it write also wrong


so you don't like this then take action

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