English, asked by sazabab, 11 months ago

the two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. essay sazabab 15 hours ago English Secondary School +20 pts Answered The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. Essay 2 SEE ANSWERS Ask sazabab about this question... Answers MahakincsemSamaritan Explanation: Yes, two of the most important days of anyone's life indeed are the day they are born and they the day they find out the reason for their existence in this world. The similarity between the two is the competition. Since, a person comes in this world as a result of competition among millions of sperms. Same is the case when we struggle in our life. We wander here and there without any purpose. We go places in search of our purpose of existence and the day we find out, is the most amazing day of anyone's life.


Answered by Abhiram5566


The day you are born is important because now you have a physical body, a soul has discovered it's home. Your birth has brought epitomy of happiness in the lives of your loved ones.

Birth itself is a complicated process. And congratulations, along with the support of your parents, you have achieved it.

From being a zygote to an implant now finally you are a living being.

Indeed an important day.

And then life happens. You learn lot many things, encounter the real problems.

Few take them granted following the perception that everyone faces certain situations. They just accept it as their fate and keep following the masses.

While few realise that it needs to be tackled by their own unique individual touch. And then the realisation takes place.

That every birth holds an importance. Every being is meant for something.

Worth of self realisation is understood as well as felt.

Life discovers a new meaning. Soul feels the freedom. Fear of death doesn't haunt you.

Now you know you are beyond physical parameters. You are reborn that day.

Thus both days are important, one denotes your physical birth date, another one denotes your spiritual birth date.

When you finally meet the real you.

Keep exploring yourself until you know the real motive.

Answer lies within you. You never know which moment may introduce you to your own self. ❤️



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