the two most precious things in the city were the happy prince and the swallow.elaborate in 120-150 words.
God told the angels to bring back 2 precious things from the city that served humanity selflessly. The angel came back with the leaden heart of the Prince and the body of the dead bird. They were precious because the happy prince's leaden heart had broken when the little bird had lost his life in the name of service to mankind. God appreciated the angels choice and said that the bird would sing forever in his garden of paradise and the happy Prince would praise the Lord in his city of gold.
Explanation:A thing is consider precious when it has got some value in terms of action. Action and deeds of a person stands him/her as precious above , under or on the world . When the leaden heart was put into furnace it didn’t melt because it wasn’t a heart of lead but in fact a heart filled with compassion and love for others which can’t be broken down into pieces so easily . Both the swallow and Happy Prince were practicing a spiritual vow of serving others . Being on the brim
Of death , they cared for others for which the bird sang forever and the happy prince was praised in the god’s paradise .