the upper limit of the class is
Step-by-step explanation:
W H. Fill in the blanks with colourful adjectives of quality to complete the story. Barry was a 1. glutter man. He loved to eat 2. a lot of food. Every day his Unlike her husband, Jenny was very 5. active in their 6. Tarye field daily. prepared 3. dendus meals for him. Because Barry ate so much food, he was ver She had to work has 4. 5. SI 6. H TI 8. I 9. 10. Every 7. 11. 8. afternoon, Barry sat under shade of the tree outside his house. On party invitations that friends, Alex and Abraha tree, Barrys 12. 13 1 day, while sitting under the 9. thinking of the 10. had got from his 11. Barry did not accept both the invitations. 14 19 KN Jenny made some 12. soup for Barry She gave him a jug of 13. juice. She washed his 14. feet and laid out a set of 15. clothes for him to wear. Barry was 16. again. "I have a 17 wife," he said to himself.
The upper limit of a class is the value above which there can be no item to that class. Of the class 60-79, 60 is the lower limit and 79 is the upper limit, i.e. in the case there can be no value which is less than 60 or more than.