The V-I graph of three resistors P, Q and S
are as shown in figure. Which resistor has
maximum resistance?
(b) Q
(c) S
(d) all have equal resistance

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on a particular V, the current is Is, Iq and Ip.
Ip < Iq < Is
divide by V
= Ip/V < Iq/V < Is/V
= Rp < Rq < Rs
so, the answer is Rs
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The correct answer is c) S
In V-I graph, R =
Thus, slope =
tanΘ =
It is clear from the graph that Resistance is directly proportional to the Potential difference and inversely proportional to the Current.
So, when potential difference increases, the resistance of the resistor also increases.
From the graph, it could be seen that the resistors P, Q and S are shown. Among those three resistors, the resistor S has is shown to have maximum voltage than the resistors P and Q.
Thus it can be concluded that the resistor S is said to have maximum resistance than P and Q.
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