Math, asked by laxman792, 10 days ago

The value of log°1.2bar to the base 3/4


Answered by munnammatolanur


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Answered by rkbedramatic1234


Step-by-step explanation:


Step-by-step explanation:

If you have enough time and like to solve artithmetical operations, you can begun with any fair approximation.

For example: 318=387,420,489≃4×108318=387,420,489≃4×108 .

And 321=10,460,353,203≃1010321=10,460,353,203≃1010 .

By taking base 10 logarithm on both sides:


Now. Remember that x=log34x=log3⁡4 means that 3x=43x=4 . We need to improve our precision.

Let’s take x=x0+dx0x=x0+dx0 , where x0x0 is a good approximation of xx , and dx0dx0 is the error. Then:

3x0+dx0=3x0⋅3dx03dx01+dx0ln3dx0ln3dx0=4=43x0≃43x0≃43x0−1=4−3x03x0≃4−3x03x0ln3if dx0≃0, then 3dx0≃1+dx0ln33x0+dx0=3x0⋅3dx0=43dx0=43x0if dx0≃0, then 3dx0≃1+dx0ln⁡31+dx0ln⁡3≃43x0dx0ln⁡3≃43x0−1=4−3x03x0dx0≃4−3x03x0ln⁡3

We still need ln3ln⁡3 , for which we take the approximation 33=27≃10e33=27≃10e , and therefore:


So, in our formula, we get that:


You can try several times.

If you begin with x0=1.2x0=1.2 and you keep iterating: dxn=0.94–3xn3xndxn=0.94–3xn3xn , and xn+1=xn+dxnxn+1=xn+dxn , then we can have the series


This is a very good approximation

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