The various DNA bands in a gel can be stained by (A) Planar aromatic cations (B) Non-planar aromatic cations (C) Planar aromatic anions (D) Non-planar aromatic anions
→ DNA Gel Stains
→ Several choices exist for staining nucleic acids during gel electrophoresis. Ethidium Bromide (EtBr) is the most well-known and commonly used DNA dye. It is an intercalating agent that binds DNA and has a 20-fold increase in fluorescence when exposed to UV light.
The various DNA bands in a gel can be stained by (A) Planar aromatic cations (B) Non-planar aromatic cations (C) Planar aromatic anions (D) Non-planar aromatic anions ?
If I stain two DNA species with Ethidium bromide.
Given that the two species have different fragment sizes but have the same copy number.
Will the two species produce similar or different band volumes on agarose gels .
In other words, does EtBr react with DNA quantitatively based on molar ratios or based on absolute amounts .