The vertical photographs do not represent the true plan of the ground due to
Geometry of Vertical Image
In order to understand mission flight planning, you need to understand the geometry of the image as it is formed within the camera. The size of the CCD array and lens focal length coupled with flying altitude (above ground) determines the image scale or the ground resolution of the image. Therefore, it is essential to the work of the flight planner to have all of this information understood and available before starting to design a mission.
In photogrammetry, we usually deal with three types of imagery (photography), They are defined in term of the angle that the camera optical axis makes with the vertical (nadir), those are:
true vertical photography: ±0º from nadir
tilted or near-vertical photography > 0º but less than ±3º – Most used –
oblique photography: between ±35º degree and ±55º off nadir
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