The water supply of your ward is not satisfactory write a letter to the prsident of your municipal council about the need for regular and punctual supply of water
J - 29/40
Tilak Nagar,
New Delhi - 67,
23rd February 2021,
The President,
Municipal Council,
West Delhi,
Sub: Complaint against irregular supply of water.
I would like to draw your kind attention towards the problem of irregular water supply in our area. The timings of water is inconsistent and even the quality of water is also very poor and stingy. It is inadequate for cooking or other purposes. This scarcity of water supply is causing a severe inconvenience to the people in continuing their daily routine work. People are forced to rely on other sources like buying or fetching water from far places. I request you to kindly pay attention towards this problem and take the necessary actions as early as possible to ensure timely and regular supply of water in our area. We shall be obliged.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,
Learn more: Write A letter To the editor