English, asked by naman1062, 6 months ago

The west wind by John masefield
Which season of the year is being described here. State the evidence that support your answer.​


Answered by kabishtn


THE WESTWINDBy-John MasefieldRef I“Will ye not come home brother? Ye have been long away:It‟s April, and blossom time, and white is the May;”Q1 Who does the poet feel is calling him back home? Where has he been all this while?A1The poet John Masefield feels that the West Wind is calling him back home. The poet isan inhabitant of the West land (Herefordshire in England). He has been away travellingaround. He now feels he should return to his home.Q2 Whatdoes the poet recall of the West Land in the first stanza? What are the poet‟sfeelings when he hears the West Wind?A2The poet recalls that the west wind is a warm wind, “ full of birds cries”, he never hearsthe west wind without tears coming to his eyes. “It comes from the West land the old brownhills, and April‟s in the west wind, and Daffodils”.The poet longs for his homeland. He craves for the peace and serenity of country life.Whenever, the poet hears the West Wind, he feels nostalgic and homesick and his eyes brimwith tears.Q3 How is the West Land suited for „tired hearts‟?A3The West Land from where the wind originates is a fine place. It is soothing andcomfortingfor „tired hearts‟ like that of the poet, as it is rich in natural beauty and scenery.“Apple orchards blossom there, the air is like wine and there is cool green grass there, wheremen may lie at rest and thrushes are in song there, fluting from the nests”.Q4 Which season of the year is being described here? State the evidence that supportsyour answer?A4The season that is being described is the „Spring Season.” Flowers have blossomed inabundance.The spirit of the mid-spring of April is felt when the west wind blows and thedaffodils dance. The month of May is bright, the sun is also brilliant and there is warmth inthe rain-showers.Q5 How does the „speaker‟ tempt the poet to come home? How doesthe call affect thepoet?A5. The speaker, the West Wind tempts the poet to come home by reminding him of thespring in April and May and the bright sun and warm rain. The rabbits run in the corn fields.It tells the poet to hear the wild bees and see the merry spring as it is a song to a man‟s soul

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