Math, asked by Sumanlatasharma, 1 year ago

the width of 50leaves of a plant were measure in mm and their Cf distribution is shown in the following table make fi distribution table for this. PLEASE. answer. FAST



Answered by Arin111111
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The grouped frequency table
  Width (in mm)      C.F.            Class Interval          Frequency                        ________________________________________________________
  ≥ 20                     50                20 - 30                   50 - 44 = 6                          ≥ 30                     44                30 - 40                   44 - 28 = 16
  ≥ 40                     28                40 - 50                   28 - 20 = 8
  ≥ 50                     20                50 - 60                   20 - 15 = 5 
  ≥ 60                     15                60 - 70                   15 - 0  = 15

Sumanlatasharma: thank u so so much for this answer
Arin111111: hi
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