Theme and message of dust of Snow
Answer: Dust of snow is a small poem written by the famous American poet Robert Frost. the poem is set on a wintery the first stanza the poet describes a simple natural scene.The snowy flakes have covered the top of the tree. The poet is standing under the hemlock tree. the moment and alighting of the crow on the tree made the dust of snow fall on the poet.The crow a symbol of bad omen and the hemlock tree symbolises sorrow. Both the things which are associated with a person are not auspicious things and are believed to bring ill- luck. However, in the second stanza the falling of snowflakes leaves a tremendous effect on the mental state and the mood of the poet. So far the day has been quiet gloomy and waste for him but this ordinary natural happening suddenly brings a desired change in his mood it gladdens his heart and he relises that the falling snow flakes on him saves the day now he has no regret as the whole day has not gone waste the movement of the crow and the falling of snowflakes saves the day and that brought a change in his mood which gladdened and uplifted his spirits.
The message of the poem "Dust of Snow" is that small things can make big changes in life.
The short poem by Robert Frost throws light upon the unimaginable healing power of nature and tiny things. From a bad mood to ill-health, there is nothing that can’t be cured by nature. The author was experiencing one such bad day when a crow’s movement near a hemlock tree dusted snow upon him. His day gets a lot better. Thus, the supremacy of nature as a whole made him realise how petty his problem was. The fact that hemlock tree is poisonous combined with crow being the indicator of doom and fear are used in the poem as the carriers of happiness in the life of narrator is ironical. The poet, through these objects has tried to highlight that sometimes creatures linked with negative aspects of life can be the bringer of change and happiness. Being outdoors in nature, with all it’s unpredictability can benefit anyone, anywhere at any time.