theme of cherry tree by ruskin bond
yes the theme of cherry tree by ruskin bond
Rakesh, the protagonist, digs the ground with a spade and plants a seed of a cherry tree his grandfather’s garden in Mussoorie. The plant is in the corner of the garden protected from wind and snow. However, soon Rakesh forgets about the seed and gets busy listening to his grandfather’s stories and reading newspapers for him.
Meanwhile, the seed continues to grow. Winter passes and spring arrives. One day, Rakesh is observing the bird when he suddenly notices the plant which has grown into a twig with one or two leaves. He realizes the cherry that he had planted a year ago. Rakesh shows his grandfather the cherry twig. Grandfather advises Rakesh to take care of the plant now and water it Rakesh also circles the plant with some pebbles for protection. Now, Rakesh’s interest is stoked. Every morning he observes the plant’s growth but is left disappointed with its slow rate.
Now the monsoon season approaches and the cherry plant grows faster and it makes Rakesh excited. The following summer Rakesh goes home to his parents. He works on his farm and helps his parents in sowing and planting crops. By the end of the monsoon, he is back with his grandfather. He has grown up and so has his cherry tree. It has come up to his chest. Rakesh is getting more attached to his tree now and waters it every day. Once Rakesh witnesses an insect on the tree but he doesn’t try and swat it away as he considered it the tree’s first friend. Next, he sees a hairy caterpillar feeding on the leaves of the tree. Rakesh hauls it and places it on some dry leaves to protect the cherry leaves. When winter arrives, the plant bulges under the weight of the falling snow. It snows so much that the road from the valley gets covered with snow for several days. Grandfather grows frustrated because he could not get his newspapers as the roads are blocked.