English, asked by dipti7999, 11 months ago

Theme of class consequences and the corrupting influence which they produceupon humans in a society in the novel the great expectations


Answered by Mimu123
After Pip's first visit to Satis House--where ironically no one is satisfied or content--the young boy, whose world has been the marshes and the forge where the gentle Joe Gargery protects and loves him, now perceives himself as inferior to the wealthy Miss Havisham and her adopted daughter, Estella. Superceding his love and friendship with Joe is this new awareness that his hands are coarse and, like his boots, his life is common and inferior.

So, when Mr. Jaggers arrives at the Blue Boar one night and informs Pip that he is to have "great expectations," Pip is elated that his desire to become a gentleman may actually be realized. He, then, becomes consumed with this idea, and, as he departs for the stage coach that will carry him to London in Chapter XIX, Pip refuses Joe's and Biddy's offer to accompany him to the stage lest he be seen with a blacksmith.

Once he arrives in London in Stage II of the novel, Pip reunites with the pale gentleman now as a roommate; Pip asks Herbert Pocket to teach him the proper way to eat and conduct himself. It is not long before Pip becomes pretentious and, having furnished his apartment, feels his should have a manservant. However, this manservant becomes more of a financial burden than anything else as Pip alludes to him as "the Avenger."

In Chapters XXVI and XXVII, the contrast between the dinners of Pip at the house of Mr. Jaggers where the conversation centers around position and money and the visit and dinner with Joe who arrives in London points to the corruptive power of the desire for money and position. For, fearing that "the Spider" as Jaggers names him, may become a rival for the affections of the beautiful Estella, Pip worries about appearances and associations. Anxious that Joe prove an embarrassment to him, Pip is so ill at ease that Joe, with his "simple dignity" writes Pip a note and departs for the forge. After Joe leaves, Pip comes to his senses and seeks his father-figure and friend, but it is too late. As the adult narrator, Pip reflects,

So throughout life our worst weaknesses and meannesses are usually committed for the sake of the people whom we most despise.
Nevertheless, in Chapter XXVIII Pip returns to the marshes, but pretentiously rationalizes that he should stay at the Blue Boar rather than the forge lest Estella think less of him. His new position of wealth and illusionary power has outgrown his love for Joe; with some guilt, however, he sends codfish and oysters to the forge as a gift. As he approaches Satis House, Pip feels a purpose now as a young gentleman is to be the hero who is

to restore the desolate house, admit the sunshine into the dark rooms, set the clocks a-going … do all the shining deeds of the young knight of romance, and marry the princess.
Of course, his ideas have been delusionary, signified by Orlick's working there and Estella's informing him that she has no heart. After he returns to London, Pip begins to realize the corrupting effects of money and the desire for material possessions over true values:

We spent as much money as we could, and got little for it. We were always more or less miserable....
Pip also sees that he has corrupted Herbert's life, as well, as he influences Herbert into purchasing things he could not afford having

corrupted the simplicity of his life, and disturbed his peace with anxieties and regrets.
Clearly, Pip's life in Stage II becomes one of self-gratification that leads ultimately to dissatisfaction.
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