Themes of I know why the caged bird sings poemThemes of I know why the caged bird sings poem
Autobiographical Account
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings is an autobiographical account of Maya Angelou's childhood. After being abandoned by her parents, Maya and her brother, Bailey, move in with family in Stamps, Arkansas where the racial tension can be cut with a knife. The story shows Maya's personal journey as she works through her poor self-concept, unstable home life, sexual abuse, and teenage pregnancy. Some of the critical themes of this story surround racism, self-acceptance, and belonging. The themes of a story are its most significant points.
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Maya Angelou was born in America. She was a celebrated poet, novelist, memoirist, dramatist, actress and a civil rights activist. Her important work include a series of autobiographies with her book I know why the caged bird sings and four memoirs. She has also written poems and books which include children books and a cook book and Elder Grace The Nobility of Aging (2005).