English, asked by sundeepsandhu906, 1 year ago

Then a mostrous terror seized him and his heart stood still He could hear nothing But it only lasted a minute The next moment he felt his wings spread outwards
A. Who is he in the extract? Which monstrous terror seized him.
B. Why did the terror last only a minute.
C. What Happened when his wings spread out wards.
D. What were his feelings after that.

Plz answer these questions...!!!


Answered by omprakashronak2005


I hope you know the answer.

Answered by imaanandlaurenloveca


im not exactly sure, but I think the “he” they are referring to in your question is Sinbad the sailor, on his 4th voyage. So I shall answer according to the story of Sinbad:

A. Sinbad is referred to in the extract. A giant bird seized him with its talons.

B. The terror lasted only a minute, because the giant bird took to the sky, and started flying.

C. When the birds wings spread outwards, it started to fly, up into the sky.

D. After that, Sinbad’s feeling were that of bewilderment , for he had never seen a bird so big, and he had never flown in the air. He was amazed at the height at which the bird had taken him, and though the bird’s talons squeezed his arms painfully, he was enjoying the flight.

- hope this helps✅

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