English, asked by rohAn12942, 9 months ago

Then, he had to face a wrestier from Japan. They were both welt-
matched. The bout lasted for fifteen minutes. Khoshaba lost the match
by just one point
He was exhausted after the bout, but he was asked to wrestle with
a Soviet wrestier immediately. This was against the rules. According
to the rules, Khoshabo should have rested for at least half an hour
before the second bout.
Khashaba lost in the bout with the Soviet wrestler. Still, he had
won a bronze medal, by finishing third
When Khashaba returned from Helsinki.
many people honoured him. The people in
his village gave him a grand welcome. A
procession of 151 bullock carts waited for him
in his home village of Goleshwar. The villagers
carried their hero home to the sound of dhols.
Khashaba Jadhav did not forget those who
belped him. After winning the Olympic medal,
he played the first bout to raise money - not
for himself, but for the Principal who had given
his bouse for sending Khasbabo to Helsinki,
The Principal got his house back again.
Khashaba won great honour for his
country even when be did not have much help
or facilities. Today, sportsmen have many
facilities. Shouldn't we all try our best to win
greater honours for our motherland ?
Note the quotes from the following​


Answered by syedsanasamreen5


Honor from motherland

not for himself but for principal

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