Math, asked by omsairamomsairam055, 4 months ago

There are 7 friends who are living in a 7 storeyed building. The ground floor is 1st floor. The floor immediately above the ground floor is 2nd floor and so on. Thus, we totally have 7 floors (1 to 7). The name of these 7 friends is Cheryl, Fanish, Harendra, Bimal, Vinay, Rahim and Kavita. The following information is additionally known.

1. Bimal is staying on 4th floor.

2. Rahim is staying immediately above Fanish.

3. Only one person is staying between Bimal and Harendra.

4. There are exactly 2 floors between the floors in which Cheryl and Fanish are staying.

5. Kavita is neither staying on 1st floor nor on 7th floor.

6. Rahim is staying on any floor other than 2nd or 6th floor.

On which floor Vinay is staying?


Answered by Diabolical


The answer will be 1st floor.

Step-by-step explanation:

Let's arrange all the clue.

We have seven floor all occupied with an occupant.

According to Clue 1, Bimal is staying on 4th floor. Moving to clue 3 which states that there is only one person/floor between Bimal and Harendra. So, let's take the position of Harendra ( floor 2nd) one floor below the Bimal's floor since in between them there exists another occupant. Now if we place Cheryl( floor 3rd) in between Bimal and Harendra and place Fanish on 6th floor then we satisfy our 4th clue because in between Fanish and Cheryl there exist two floors. Now, Kavita is neither staying on 1st floor nor on 7th, so we are left with 5th floor. Hence, on 5th floor Kavita lives. As for the 6th clue Rahim can stay either on 1st floor or 7th floor but 2nd clue states that he must stay immediately above Fanish. So, Rahim stays on 7st floor since Fanish lives just beneath his floor (6th floor). Hence, Vinay lives on remained floor which is 1st floor.

The arrangement will as follow :

Floor    |     Occupants

7th       |      Rahim

6th       |     Fanish

5th       |      Kavita

4th       |      Bimal

3rd       |     Cheryl

2nd      |      Harendra

1st        |      Vinay

That's all.

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