There are eight persons - Mita, Niya, Om, Pari, Qiya, Rati, Shri and Tiya. All of them are
sitting in a straight row and are facing in the South direction but not necessarily in the
same order. There are only two persons between Rati and Pari. The number of persons
between Qiya and Mita is same as the number of persons between Pari and Shri. Om is
not a neighbor of Shri who is immediate left of Niya. Qiya is second to the left of Rati
who is fourth from the right corner. Mita sits at any corner of the row. Tiya sits
immediate right of Qiya.
11. How many persons are seated to the left of Niya?
A. One B. Three C. Four
D. Six E. None of these
12. Four of the following five are alike in some way and thus form a group. Which of
the following does not belong to the group?
A. Om B. Rati C. Shri
D. Qiya E. Pari
13. Who among the following is/are immediate neighbour(s) of Qiya?
A. Tiya B. Om C. Both A and B
D. Either A or B E. Shri
14. Who among the following sits second to the left of the person who sits third from
the right end?
A. Mita B. Tiya C. Pari
D. Niya E. None of these
15. Who among the following sits third to the left of Rati?
A. Om B. Pari C. Niya
D. Mita E. None of these
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