English, asked by manasyadav1027, 10 months ago

there are many ideas about how the world will end .do you think the world will end some day ? Have you ever thought what would happen if the sun got so hot that it burst or grew colder and colder​


Answered by jvprasadam73

eventually life on earth will stop because our sun being a mid sized star would eventually become a red giant and would swallow the earth fully its just a

matter of time

Answered by Arslankincsem

Whether the world will end one day or not, still remains to be a matter of argument for many.

But it is true that the rate at which the world is getting polluted day by day, the doom’s day is not far away.

Natural calamities have increased owing to the changing climatic conditions and all these is slowly taking the earth to the verge of extinction.  

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