There are more than 1000 pesticides used around the world to ensure that food is not
damaged or destroyed by pests. Each pesticide has different properties and toxicological
effects. Many of the older, cheaper pesticides, such as D.D.T and Lindane, can remain in
the soil and water for years. These chemicals have been banned by countries who signed
2001 Stockholm Convention- an international treaty that aims to eliminate or restrict the
production and use of persistent organic pollutants. The toxicity of a pesticide depends
on its function and other factors. None of the pesticides that are authorized for use on
food in international trade today is genotoxic.
Adverse effects from these pesticides occur only above a certain safe level of exposure.
When people come into contact with large quantities of pesticide this way, may cause i). Name any two commonly used pesticides?
ii). Which chemical is banned from use by the countries which signed 2001 Stockholm
iii). In an ecosystem, trophic level represents
a. Energy level ii. Water level iii.CO2 level iv. Salt level
iv). Excessive usage of pesticides is dangerous. Why?
v). Write any one precaution to be taken while spraying pesticides on the crops?
(i) fungicides, herbicides
(ii) Dioxins
(iii) energy level
(iv) Yes , it is dangerous
(i) fungicides, herbicides - Examples of specific synthetic chemical pesticides are glyphosate, Acephate, Deet, Propoxur, Metaldehyde, Boric Acid, Diazinon, Dursban, DDT, Malathion, etc.
(ii) The Stockholm Convention, adopted in 2001 and administered by the United Nations Environment Programme, is a global agreement to protect human health and the environment from specific POPs (Stockholm Convention on POPs, 2010).
(iv) Pesticides are poisons and, unfortunately, they can harm more than just the “pests” at which they are targeted. They are toxic, and exposure to pesticides can cause a number of health effects. They are linked to a range of serious illnesses and diseases from respiratory problems to cancer.
(v) Dissolve appropriate quantity of weedicide in water to get the proper concentration. Weedicides should be applied by taking into account the situation in the field like dryness, humidity etc. Keep it away from eatables and animals. Don't allow the animals to graze in the field after spraying weedicides.