There are N number of boxes arranged in a single queue. Each box has an integer I written on it. From the given queue, the participant has to select two contiguous subsequences A and B of the same size. The selected subsequences should be such that the summation of the product of the boxes should be maximum. The product is not calculated normally though. To make the game interesting, the first box of subsequence A is to be multiplied by the last box of subsequence B. The second box of subsequence A is to be multiplied by the second last box of subsequence B and so on. All the products thus obtained are then added together.
/*Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print your output to STDOUT*/
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
template<class T> inline void umax(T &a,T b){if(a<b) a = b ; }
template<class T> inline void umin(T &a,T b){if(a>b) a = b ; }
template<class T> inline T abs(T a){return a>0 ? a : -a;}
template<class T> inline T gcd(T a,T b){return __gcd(a, b);}
template<class T> inline T lcm(T a,T b){return a/gcd(a,b)*b;}
typedef long long ll;
typedef pair<int, int> ii;
const int inf = 1e9 + 143;
const ll longinf = 1e18 + 143;
inline int read()
int x;scanf(" %d",&x);
return x;
const int N = 20001;
int n;
int a[N];
void read_inp()
n = read();
assert(1 <= n && n <= 20000);
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
a[i] = read();
assert(abs(a[i]) <= int(1e6));
int main()
#ifdef KAZAR
ll ans = -longinf;
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
int l = i - 1, r = i;
ll best = 0ll, cur = 0ll;
while(l >= 1 && r <= n)
ll val = (ll)a[l] * a[r];
cur += val;
umin(best, cur);
umax(ans, cur - best);
int l = i - 1, r = i + 1;
ll best = 0ll, cur = 0ll;
while(l >= 1 && r <= n)
ll val = (ll)a[l] * a[r];
cur += val;
umin(best, cur);
umax(ans, cur - best);
return 0;