there are _____ players in volleyball
Obviously, each league can have variations on rules like this. But formally, an active roster can have 12 players listed on the scoresheet. Prior to the game, the coaching staff for each team has to fill out the players names and numbers accurately on the score card. There is a max of 12. Only the players listed can play that game.
A total of 6 players per team are allowed on the court for each team at any time.
If your team has more, say 15 players, the additional players can be on the bench as a part of the team, but only those listed on the scoresheet may enter play.
As for subs, given that there are up to 3 or 5 games in a match, a maximum of 12 substitutions can be made per game. Once player A subs in for player B, only player A can replace B again. After that second sub, no more can be made for that position the rest of the game. Subs are resent each game within the match. The number of allowed substitutions cannot be carried over to the next match.