there are reservations for women ,scheduled castes and scheduled tribes in gram panchayat. Do you think it is fair?Explain....
Reservation for women, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Gram Panchayat is fair because:
1. Democracy is a rule 'of the people' by the people' and 'for the people'. The powerful and the not so powerful people both have the same say in taking decisions.
2. A democratic decision involves consultation and consent of the people who are affected by the decision.
3. The reservation of seats for the socially disadvantaged allows them to get an adequate representation in the decision making process.
4. Reservation helps the disadvantaged communities to demand their share of power.
5. It helps to provide due recognition to women, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in various fields.
6. The marginalised and disadvantaged social groups can express their grievances and ask the government to rectify them.
The reservation for women, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes in gram panchayat are fair enough. Following are the reasons in support of this statement:
1. The Panchayati Raj system in India is generally referred to the system of provincial self-government in India. This method of government was introduced in the year 1992, by a constitutional amendment. So as this is the governing body at a local level, that comes under the Indian Constitution, therefore, it becomes necessary for the government of India to involve all its citizens in the decision making process.
2. The reservation for women, SCs, and STs become necessary so that the privileged groups cannot establish their tyranny over them. In other words, to protect the right of the minority, SCs, STs, and women it becomes an unignorable condition.
3. Through reservation, these people can have equal access to demands.