Biology, asked by alsaddiki79, 2 months ago

There are three alleles controlling the ABO blood types. A and B are codominant genes; thus
the combination AB produces the AB blood type. The third allele O is recessive to the other
two alleles. Indicate which of these parents could produce the given child (please use to the
other side of this paper to explain your reasoning & Show your work):

Parents Child Yes or No
1. A x AB B
2. A x O A
3. A x B O
4. A x AB O
5. A x AB A
6. B x B O
7. O x AB O
8. O x O AB


Answered by shreyasbala77


1. yes






A can be Ai or AA

B can be Bi or BB

AB can only be AB

O can only be ii

1) Ai x AB can give Bi so yes

2) ii x Ai can give Ai so yes

3)Ai x Bi can give ii so yes

4)Ai x AB or AA x AB cant give ii so no

5)AA x AB can give AA so yes

6) Bi x Bi can give ii so yes

7) ii x AB cant give ii so no

8) ii x ii cant give AB so no

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