English, asked by rkmaurya1234, 2 months ago

There are times then we have to sacrifice our beloved possession for the sake of others. Express your views with reference to the statement.


Answered by gk6977921


plz mark the brainless


If we are unable to do any good to others, our life is worthless. A selfish person may live a long life but after his death, nobody remembers him. If at all someone remembers him, it is for his selfish attitudes and vices. Good deeds and virtues should be the basis of our lives.

The meaning of the word ‘sacrifice’ is often associated with the apparent loss of something valuable. Sacrifice has many forms, and it may be in terms of sacrificing of time, labour, wealth, desires, happiness, and even life, for others’ happiness and safety. The true value of sacrifice may not resound as strongly for the one making the sacrifice until fruits of their sacrifice are seen or manifested. In order to achieve what we really want in life, we have to make sacrifices.

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