There are two bodies A and B of same mass. Ais placed near the equator of earth and B is placed at a height ‘h' above the pole of the earth. If both the bodies weigh equally. Find 'h’ in terms of radius ‘R’ of earth, angular speed ‘ w' of earth, and 'q’ acceleration duc to gravity close to earth.

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There are two bodies A and B of same mass. A is placed near the equator of earth and B is placed at height h above the pole of the earth.
To find : if both the bodies weigh equally. we have to find h in terms of radius R of earth, angular speed ω of earth.
solution : have a look underlined line, here question said “ both the bodies weigh equally” it means effective g same for both bodies.
for A , [ A is placed at equator ]
for B,
Therefore the correct option is (2) ω²R²/2g
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