English, asked by yeijimmymichaella, 8 months ago

There has been a lot of incedent of undisciplane in my class write a letter to your head of department complaining about the issue


Answered by akankshasaha0803


Few points you can write:

1). All pupils in a school benefit when behaviour is good. High standards of behaviour are important in helping children to feel safe and learn well, and parents and carers play a key part in this.

2). Schools have a legal right to impose reasonable sanctions if a pupil misbehaves.

Sanctions a school might use include:

  • a reprimand
  • a letter to parents or carers
  • removal from a class or group
  • loss of privileges
  • confiscating something belonging to your child if it’s inappropriate for school (for example, a mobile phone or music player)
  • detention

3). Detentions can take place during school hours, at lunchtime, after school or at weekends. If your child fails to be there without a reasonable excuse, the school may give them a more severe punishment.

You are entitled to 24 hours’ written notice of a detention that takes place outside normal school hours so you can make arrangements for transport or childcare. The notice should tell you why the detention was given and how long your child will have to stay at school.

4). child who gets into serious trouble at school can be suspended for a fixed period of time. Schools can suspend a child if:

  • they have seriously broken school rules
  • allowing them to stay in school would seriously harm their education or welfare, or the education or welfare of other pupils

5). A school will usually only expel a pupil as a last resort after trying to improve the pupil’s behaviour through other means. However, there are exceptional circumstances in which a school may decide to expel a pupil for a ‘one-off’ offence.

please mark me as the brainliest ....

hope it helps!!!!!!!!


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