There have been talks about
the building of a Mall in place of
the Children’s park in your locality. On behalf of
the residents, write a letter to the Editor of Times
of India in 100-120 words protesting against the
proposed Mall giving reasons to justify your point.
You are Sumit / Shikha Khanna.
Mar 12, 2018
The Editor,
Daily Times,
New Delhi
Sub: negligence of municipal authorities for public parks maintenance
Dear Sir/Madam,
Through the well-esteemed columns of your local newspaper, I want to draw the kind attention of the Municipal Authority Officers towards the negligence being implemented in the maintenance of 2 main parks in our locality. The parks have not been cleaned for past 4 months. Even the lighting system does not work in the night. The officers even do not visit the park for inspection. This all has turned the parks as shelters for the undesirable elements of society. These people do spend their time in the parks and play cards, drink, etc. which all have created a nuisance in the area.
Therefore, I hope your newspaper will throw light on the subject concerned so as to enable the residents to take a breath of ecstasy.
Thanking you,
Harshavardhan Road
The Editor
The Times of India
Subject- Protesting against the building of a proposed mall in place of the Children's Park.
Kindly permit me the use of the columns of your esteemed paper to voice the feelings of the public against the building of a Mall in place of
the Children’s park in our locality.
There are many children in our locality. Unfortunately we have only one Children's Park in our place where they could play, meet their friends and sometimes do some recreational activities. Kids find this place to be a zone of comfort for them. Recently there has been talks of building a mall in this place. If there will be a mall then there would be no place for children to play. The mall can be built in another place also but if this park would be not there then their life would become monotonous.
The need of the hour to take a firm step against the would be construction. We should lay emphasis on lifting the new generation towards progress. Therefore this is our earnest request to the Municipal Corporation to think about the future generation and have the proposed mall somewhere else.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Shikha Khanna.