English, asked by gnaeshwar8, 9 months ago

There is a puzzle you guys have to solve. This is the wording:
this tASK migHt SEeM hard AT firSt. YOU most LIKeLY won't GET it ON youR FIRST try. CHANCES are, YOU'LL get IT on AT least YOUR second TRY. it MIGHT take YOU three, FOUR, or EVEN fiVe TRIeS to GET it. BUT don't GIVE up. IF you keep TrYING you'll GET It EVENTUALLY. you've FAcED many PRoBLEMS already, AnD i KNOW you ARE ready FOR thIs. THIS puzzle WILL be MUCH eaSier THAN other PUZZLES you HaVE done THUS far. BUT remember - DON'T get DiSTRACTEd. even THOUGH this PROBlEM is EASy, aLways REMEMBER: overconfIdence CAn be AN unKind FOE.

The hints given are:
>the words in that paragraph are mostly capitalized like lower UPPER lower UPPER >lower UPPER...
and in some of those words, there are letters whose capitalization doesn't match the rest of the letters in that word
>those form the message

An example is also given:
tHis eXAMPlE contains THE word HELlo
because the first word has a capital H
the second has a lowercase E and L
the third, fourth, and fifth have none
and the last has a lowercase L and O

Please decode the message

Please answer the question and dont go asking for brainliest or putting random letters. I really want to do this.I will only mark as brainliest if you answer my question



Answered by thenotorious3
Oh Bhai itna bada puzzle lol
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