There is a room with no doors, and no windows. A man is found hung from the ceiling. A puddle of water is on the floor. How did he die?
Here is your answer...
The man committed suicide. He stood on a big ice cube and hung himself. After sometime the ice melted and water puddle was only present in the scene along with the hung man...
Remember those houses of the past when we used to have a Well in a room in the backyard. So possibly the man tried to climb using the corner walls of the well, probably a bucket of water might have been kept there. He tipped of the bucket while climbing and later he hanged himself.
There might have been a big drum or bucket standing on which could have been easier for the man to touch the ceiling. Possibly the bucket could have had water in it. The man overturned the drum/ bucket and hanged himself. Hence the puddle of water.