English, asked by gmudreac, 1 year ago

There is a word used in The Call of the Wild that describes Buck's character very well. He is "resilient," which means being able to recover from difficulty quickly. Write a paragraph describing ways in which you are "resilient," and explain how you have faced and recovered from difficulties in your own life. Your response should be at least 150 words in length.


Answered by Anonymous


Below is a collection of strong (and exceptionally strong) response papers from students. All received high grades. They are good examples of insightful thinking and strong writing. I would especially encourage you to notice that most of them don’t have obvious organization; most of them let their ideas develop and wander. Many of the best responses are later in the list. I continue to add to this collection as I find new examples of strong writing. As always, I will look at drafts when I can. [Please Note: Responses here are single-spaced to be read quicker.]

The first example, however, is one I wrote as a sample for the first reading response.


Chris McGee

ENGL 380-01

Response 1

Of all of the common assumptions that we discussed in class, I think one of the most common is the idea that a children’s text should in some way teach the reader something. We of course talked about the term didactic, and how a didactic book strongly pushes a lesson onto the reader, telling them that they should believe this or that. Many times a reason for that lesson isn’t even given, as though the young person reading the book should just accept that lesson because they are told to, because the other knows better. As I was reading Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss, the book I selected for the assignment, I was hoping that it wouldn’t be as didactic as most other children’s books, and that it would be as playful and exciting as I remember as a child. On the last two pages of the book, however, the absent mother returns home, the cat has disappeared, the children are behaving nicely, sitting in chairs, and it is pretty obvious that even though they got into mischief they are still good children after all. Nothing really has changed at the end of the book. Although all sorts of things got played with, and the children broke the rules I am sure they know about (like, “Don’t fly kites in the house”), major boundaries were never crossed.

We talked about how the opposite of a didactic book might be an ambiguous book, or a book that encourages the reader to think about issues, to make decisions for themselves. In that kind of book, the author usually wants to the reader to think for her or himself, to understand that some things are difficult, even for adults. The author may present a problem and ask you what you think, or might just never come around to saying exactly what you are supposed to believe. The last page of Cat in the Hat ends with the narrator saying, referring to the mother, “Should we tell her about it? / Now what SHOULD we do? / Well . . . / What would YOU do / If your mother asked you?” (61). In some ways, this is probably a pretty ambiguous ending. The author asks the reader that if your mother left, if someone wanted you to do what you weren’t supposed to, if you did it anyway, and if you didn’t get caught, then would you tell your mother or father what happened? Most adults wouldn’t tell what happened themselves, but the question is there anyway, and it seems to be really asking children what they believe.

Answered by keeraingram


A way that I am "resilient" is that even though it is very hard for me to understand what should be easy for me being in my grade is very hard, I still try to do as well as other students. I used to have okayish grades like C's, but I've spent hours every day trying to understand what I was learning, and I still sometimes do. Both my parents and I agree that it would be easier for me to just redo this grade last year and this year, but I said no I just needed to try harder so I tried harder and started getting A's and B's. My goal is to be able to understand what I learn at a normal pace like other kids and be able to stop having to study for hours and get tutors to help teach me how to do something, and I wouldn't have to try harder than even a kid having a little bit of a hard time understanding. But instead, I have an extremely hard time more than normal, it's super hard even just studying sometimes it's super confusing. It's still hard, but i've been able to just shove down the confusion for the most part and try to learn at a normal pace. Even though it's always been hard and having adhd i've tried to cope with not learning as fast as others, and successfully hide it from my parents because i've always thought it's kind of embarrassing, but because of one of my friends I know it's not something to be embarrassed about we all have a pace that we learn at, and maybe i'll be ready to tell my mom and dad one day about how hard it is for me. Just not now.


I hope it helps=) K.D.B.I

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