there is an urgent need for good nation building leaders in India .Write a letter to the editor of an english daily highlighting the need for developing leadership qualities in students and the role of schools in promoting these qualities and making the students responsible
A1, D.M Street,
Batanagar ,
West Bengal.
31.01.20 20
The Editor,
The Statesman,
Statesman House,
Kolkata .
Sub: Need for leaders
There is an earnest plea I would like to make to all the schools through your esteemed daily. In recent years the condition of our Nation is pathetic. Everything is going haywire.
The need of the hour is good leaders. Leaders who can lead the nation. Leaders who are focused and goal oriented. Instead of climbing up the ladder by the rungs of corruption they are dedicated and responsible human beings.
Schools are the places to nurture future leaders. They are the character builders. So I urge all the concerned school personnel to mentor their students and guide them forward towards becoming leaders.
Children are like caterpillars voracious learners. If they are fed with potions of character building skills they will spin their own cocoons of strength and commitment. It is from these cocoons that the future leaders will emerge.
The schools will have to inculcate in their students the ethics and skills to become strong future leaders. Both Mental and Physical strength have to be built through rigorous training.
Once the students are tutored to be effective leaders the Nation will face no hindrance in development. It will be an end to the corrupt and inefficient leaders we have at the moment, the empty vessels who make too much sound.
Thanking you,
-Yours faithfully,
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