There is only one cash counter, which is located nea the entrance to the fair. I. I. No cash transaction is allowed at any stall Players can pay for the games using Gold cards (worth 20 zeds) or Silver cards (worth 10 zeds) II. Players can purchase the cards (as many as thhey want) only fron the cash counter. A player can use eitler a Silver card or a Gold card to play any garme once. If a player wins a game played 11sing a Silver card, the Silver card will be replaced with a Gold TV. V. card. If a player wins a game played using a Gold cand, the Gold card will be retuned to the player and a new Silver cand will be given as a reward. Both the Gold and Silver cards can be used for fiurther gates. VI. However, if tlie player loses a gane, the cand used for the game will be forteited. Players can oblain cash refund for thier cards at the caslı counter. The refund value of a Silver VIL VII card is 8 zeds and that of a Gold card is 18 zeds Malavika paid 30 zeds atnd bouglht one Gold card and one Silver card. She used both the cards in the first stall and won both the pames. Sie did not want to repeat playng n the sane stall. She took all the cards she got iom the tirst stall atnd used them ini Ilhe second stall She won all the games in the second stall too. She again took all the cards she got from there and used all of them in the third stall, She contimied this m the subsequeut stalls.
Answered by
bhai dhakovina dhakovina didir didir bhow
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