there is time lag of two hearts from east to west but the watches show the same time how does this happen???
- there is a time lag of two hours from east to west but all watches show the same time because time along the Meridian 82 degree 30 degree east passing through Mirzapur has been taken as the standard time for the entire country. this is why the watches show the same time.
- this is done to avoid any type of confusion example timing of Railway etc.
There is time lag of 2 hours from East to West in India. This creates a lot of confusion in the time tables of airways , railways , broadcasting etc.
So to avoid this confusion , a standard meridian of India has been chosen. The time shown on this longitude is accepted all over India.
It is 82 degrees 30 minutes East longitude which passes through Mirzapur , Allahabad in Uttar Pradesh
This longitude has been chosen as the Standard Meridian of India as it lies in almost middle of the country .
Also , it is a multiple of 7 degree 30 minutes East longitude according to the International Standards which makes it easier to calculate the time difference from the Greenwich Mean Time ( GMT )
I hope it helps you. If you have any doubts, then don't hesitate to ask.