English, asked by rohansherigars, 9 days ago

there was
German sovereigns used to run gaming houses. ____years ago they were forbidder
to do so
these gaming houses did so much harm.____
no one to stop the prince of Monaco_____
he remained with a monopoly of the business.
{but, however, because, and



Answered by myself55


German sovereigns used to run gaming houses. (However) years ago they were forbidden

to do so (because) these gaming houses did so much harm.

The next sentence seems erroneous. Please correct it.

Answered by muskan007sl


There were German sovereigns that used to run gaming houses.

However, years ago they were forbidden to do so because these gaming houses did so much harm.

But, there was no one to stop the prince of Monaco and he remained with a monopoly of the business.

Explanation :

  • However is used for contrasting sentences. Here, it is given that though German used to run gaming houses but previously such houses were forbidden. Therefore, however will be used here.
  • Because is used for reasoning. The gaming houses were forbidden as they caused harm.
  • But is used when even if situation occur something still happens . Even though gaming houses did harm no one could stop prince Monaco so but is used.
  • And is used to add one more point. Prince not only could not be stopped but he also monopolised the gaming houses.


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