There was too much pollution in the city due to a sugar factory running in the city. The factory owner Mr. Rohit was aware of the problems but was ignoring it since no one checked on his factory or raised issues. One day presidents of three RWAs (Residents Welfare Society) decided to meet the owner and explain him all the problems. After the meeting Mr. Rohit promised them to use environment friendly machinery and if needed he will shift the factory to an outskirt area.
List the values Mr. Rohit was ignored.
State the values the RWA presidents and Mr. Rohit wish to attain.
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Explanation:Industrial pollution has been continues to be a major factor causing the degradation of the environment around us, affecting the water we use, the air we breathe and the soil we live on. The exponential increase in industrialization is not only consuming large areas of agriculture lands, but simultaneously causing serious environmental degradation as well as to soil. Water originating from various industries is finding their place in agriculture. The challenge is to properly incorporate the disposal of the wastes in a controlled management programme so that the applied industrial solid wastes do not contribute any problem of pollution to soil, soil microbes and environment. The present review was focused on impact of sugar mill effluent to environment and bioremediation. The present review deals with the following topics: Impact of sugar mill effluent to environment, Physico-chemical and biological characteristics of sugar mill effluent, Bioremediation of various industrial effluent and toxic substances by microbial isolates and Recycling of microbially remediated sugar mill effluent for agricultural use.
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