Physics, asked by Lalitkumath, 1 month ago

Thermal Physics:-

What do you mean by "conduction" mode of heat transfer.?


Answered by Qᴜɪɴɴ


  • It's a process of heat transfer when energy is transferred from hot part to cold part of a body.

  • The transfer of heat takes place without any actual motion of the particles from its equilibrium position.

  • It takes place due to temperature difference

  • When heat is given to metal rod on one side then some of part of heat is absorbed by the cross-section of the rod. Because of this temperature of one part of the rod increases and heat gets transferred to neighbouring particles of the rod.

  • It's mainly due to vibratory motion of molecules of the medium.

  • It's a slow process

  • It follows an irregular path.


Knowledge Cell:-

Related terms :-

Variable State:-

  • In this state each and every section of the rod absorbs same amount of heat and temperature of each cross section of the rod increases with time.

Steady State:-

  • In this state, heat absorption by each cross section is same. However there's temperature difference from one cross-section to another.

Thermal Conductivity:-

  • Thermal conductivity is represented by K.

  • K is dependent on nature of material used.

  • If the value of K for some medium is high then the heat flow in that medium is also high.

  • A medium with K = 0 is a perfect insulator.

Ataraxia: Nice <3
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