English, asked by vedikapatwari19, 9 months ago

These eight people lived in the Secret Annex for almost two years , in constant fear
Of being hunted by the Nazis, where any sound or light could betray them.

i) Who were these eight people ?

ii) Why did they have to live in this way ?

iii) Did they have any link with the outside world ?What was it?


Answered by Anujyadav112






Answered by vaishnavisingh2231


1)) Eight people hiding in an spartout were: Otto frank, his wife Edith his daughts Margot and Anne; Hermann van pels, his wife and his son; Fitz pfeffer

2) they were hiding in a secret annex because at that time Hitler came to power and begin to issue anti-Jewish degrees. Hitler make a community called nazis whose job was to kill Jews franks were jews so after listening this news day decided to hide in a secret annex

3) the only thing with the outside world was provided by a radio and buy 4 courageous member of auto franks staff this people brought in newspapers ,magazines ,book and food

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